I knew that Victoria was a sweet and brilliant child, but a soldier? She said she was going into the navy, I was not expecting to hear that, but I could see she was a pretty determined person when she wanted to be.
After 2 months of basic training and lots of letters to mommy (and few to daddy too) she was given her PFA. Five of the boys she tested with failed, but Victoria passed and will graduate from boot camp. I must say, I am very impressed Victoria, and you have inspired me to get my self to my physical peek (I don't want you coming home a kicking my butt or anything).
You have come a long way from the girl who was upset because her dad made her get up at 6:00 and jog. You are a good Christian woman, an very smart girl, and now a kick-butt boot camp graduate! You were tested and tried, but you came out as gold, like we all knew you were. God bless you, and I solute you.